A Touch of Now - An Introduction

“I sit here desperately wanting to create something; to say something on these pages that will convey my thoughts, the beauty of this spot; to share my experience of this moment in time. My chest aches and tightens, as if to squeeze out the salty tears of longing. I look up from my shaded table cracked and weathered like the hull of an ancient ship, my back warmed in the afternoon sun, and thought is inadequate to the task.
Emerald green waves, speckled white with tips of foam, roll toward me from a forest curling like a finger out into the sea. Puffy white clouds emerge from beyond this jagged green horizon and float in lazy patterns against a pale blue sky. Leaves flutter in the warm breeze and dancing shadows dabble all around my wordless perch as seagulls, screeching nature’s plan, dive for unseen morsels and a jittery squirrel buries his face in the still moist grass.
The scene is there for everyone present. My experience lost within me and an inability to truly share the wonder may be my greatest pain.”

When exactly I wrote this is uncertain. Why, is an even greater mystery? What I am certain of however, is the truth embraced by the experience. It describes a moment in which I felt the touch of “now,” and in that touch the truth was unmistakable, simple, clear, and thoroughly unspeakable. I was present to that moment and the moment shared with me all there is to know. This Blog is about my journey, then and now, into the moment and the truth I find there.

August 9, 2013

Who am I?
Who am I? Actually the better question is "what" is this "I" that Bob is so attached to?
      Back in 2011 I besieged your mind with an inquiry in order to articulate the process by which the self is born. Today I would like to restate my position in a far more concise fashion. I've been away for some time and perhaps this will jump start a new era (era?) of journaling. That said I give you the latest articulation on "who" or "what" I am.
      “I” am named Bob. And Bob is an impermanent, evolving aggregate, born within a specific sequence of DNA, which includes an experiential history, which is comprised of actions and outcomes, which are  interpreted and reinforced by self-referential dialogue.